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Dick Clarke, CIC, CPCU, RPLU

Richard G. Clarke, CPCU, CIC, RPLU


Dick Clarke is a veteran of the property/liability insurance industry, having worked as underwriter, broker and consultant through hard and soft market cycles.  He was formerly Senior Vice President with the regional brokerage, J. Smith Lanier & Co. headquartered in Georgia, having retired late in 2016. 


He publishes articles and teaches on a variety of executive liability, cyber and E&O subjects, and functions as an expert witness, a consultant to buyers of commercial insurance, and to insurance companies concerning product development.  He is a teacher in CE programs for several professional insurance organizations.  His books are listed for purchase on, with the most recent, Executive Liability Insurance:  From the Basics to an Advanced Approach   having entered its fifth edition in 2012 (and available in hard copy format through  [This work was translated into Japanese for the Risk Management community in Japan, in 2013.] Clarke provided content and editing for The National Alliance’s on-line course on Directors and Officers Liability insurance (2015 to present), and was an original recipient of the CPCU Society’s “Distinguished Instructor in Insurance” award, in 1996.


He holds several professional designations.




Product Type

Embracing Directors & Officers Liability Insurance & Claims Potential

Total Credits: 2 including 2 CE Credit

Average Rating:
Commercial Lines |  Commercial Lines - Specialty Policies
Dick Clarke, CIC, CPCU, RPLU
2 Hours
$56.00 - Member Webcast

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